Friday, May 22, 2020

Why Marijuana Should Be Legal Essay - 1482 Words

Medical Marijuana Marijuana is a very controversial and obtrusive issue in our society today. Although politicians and people have made malicious remarks about it in the past, and even still in the present, the historical truth and beneficial facts of marijuana are finally resurfacing. Unfortunately, our society has become a very critical crowd towards the legalization of marijuana due to the stereotypical view of the kind of people who are considered â€Å"pot smokers.† This contorted perception of a lazy and unmotivated America is the logic behind keeping marijuana illegal and therefore unattainable to our citizens. The legalization of marijuana would be tremendously beneficial to all types of cancer patients because it helps with pain management, its cost efficient, and there have been numerous successful case studies. In the article â€Å"Pot in Palliative Care: What We Need To Know† by Thomas Strouse â€Å"Marijuana refers to naturally grown plant materials not re gulated by the food and drug administration and procured by patients from legal marijuna dispensaries or street suppliers† (7). While carefully examined by many people all around the world, the benefits of using marijuana easily outweigh the disadvantages of the plant. Although many argue that it can lead to further drug use, the plant has showed nothing but leverage to people who have serious illness and chronic pain. According to the authors, â€Å"Medical Marijuana Laws and Suicides† 21 states including the District ofShow MoreRelatedWhy Marijuana Should Be Legal960 Words   |  4 PagesA college student walking down the street on a pitch black night, has a brief encounter with a cop while smoking a joint for his post-traumatic stress disorder, and unfortunately gets arrested, even though marijuana seems to be his only temporary cure. I believe marijuana has many medical benefits, and certain people need it to live a normal, productive life. Opponents of legalizing it have argued that doing so would do more harm than good, however they turn a blind eye to scientific studies provingRead MoreWhy Marijuana Should Be Legal1604 Words   |  7 PagesAll through life, everybody is informed that, Marijuana is awful for you, over and over. A few individuals don t generally comprehend the reasoning behind it, however despite the fact that pot is completely legal in a couple states, it is still surrounding us everywhere; legally or not. Individuals all around the globe wonder why it s not legal all around. Can anyone explain why this drug is illegal for everyone, everywhere throughout the world? Cannabis in the United States of America has beenRead MoreWhy Marijuana Should Be Legal1953 Words   |  8 Pages Since marijuana is discovered, it has been used as drug. Because it considers as a type of cannabis, marijuana is a banned drug. Many of study and research about marijuana show that it effects on human health such as; irritated lung, shadow brain an d dizziness, that is why marijuana has been banned for around seventy five years. Under the Federal Law, having possession of marijuana is illegal and criminal. Marijuana has been an illegal in the United States since 1937. The federal court has triedRead MoreWhy Marijuana Should Be Legal1085 Words   |  5 PagesDear , Since the 1930s marijuana has been illegal in the United States. The debate to legalize marijuana has been a huge controversy since the existence of the drug. I believe that by legalizing marijuana America will be able to thrive in the future. Marijuana has been tested and proven to provide a very positive impact in the medical field, the economy, and crime. First and foremost, marijuana is legal in some states in the United States but for medical use only and other countries such as CanadaRead MoreWhy Marijuana Should Be Legal1641 Words   |  7 PagesThe article Marijuana talks about what marijuana is and how marijuana is used in the medical setting. Also this article marijuana talks about how effective the marijuana of kids in high school and the effects of social work and the social life itself. According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH). Marijuana can also be used to drink tea and, predominantly when it is sold or expended for medical purpose is normally mixed into foods. Marijuana is a cannabis which used for some psychoactiveRead MoreWhy Marijuana Should Be Legal992 Words   |  4 PagesIn today’s society, it is clear people use marijuana for different reasons. Marijuana is a plant that is known as cannabis, weed, pot, hash, grass or dope. This type of drug is popular all over the country therefor e, the intake of marijuana should be taken, very seriously. Regardless, of how weed makes a person feel it comes with positive effects as well as negative outcomes. Without a doubt, smoking marijuana or eating the drug will affect people’s behavior. Individuals self esteem increasedRead MoreWhy Marijuana Should Be Legal1937 Words   |  8 Pages 1 Danielle Cook English 1010 February 22, 2010 Why marijuana should be legal Some people ask why marijuana should be legalized. But, perhaps, we should ask why marijuana is illegal? Contrary to public opinion and current law there are more reasons for marijuana to be legalized than for it to remain illegal. Marijuana cost taxpayers billions of dollars, it is less harmful than other pharmaceutical drugs including alcoholRead MoreWhy Marijuana Should Be Legal1379 Words   |  6 Pagesother information of the country or area that is needed to understand the background of the policy. Another important part of this step is to gain insight into the social determinants of health. 2. State the problem After working with the problem, one should be able to formulate a problem statement that defines the problem. 3. Search for evidence Evidence is information that is useful for developing a policy. To make the search efficient, it is important narrow down the search area before starting toRead MoreWhy Marijuana Should Be Legal Essay1633 Words   |  7 PagesMarijuana could be an awfully remarkable and questionable issue in the public arena nowadays. In spite of the fact that few hurtful cases are made concerning cannabis in late history, the truths are a unit gradually initiating to reemerge. Tragically, these truths territory units underneath huge feedback on account of the ordinary read of What people esteem the standard pot smoker. This skew impression of a languid and ridiculous America is that the consequences of more than seventy years of dataRead MoreWhy Marijuana Should Be Legal1641 Words   |  7 PagesAbstract Recognizing that marijuana will be in the market for a while, this paper will pinpoint detailed information on the production, transportation, effects of marijuana, and its effective control. The review of the claims integrated in the paper offers evidence and conclusive results of the local and foreign production. While using marijuana can be unsafe to a person, it is not as nearly as harmful as the stereotypes about marijuana claim to be. Furthermore, the drug seems to be well established

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