Sunday, December 8, 2019

The verbal means of communicating with one another free essay sample

The act of communicating ones feelings, sharing ideas, expressing how one is feeling, asking questions. A means to relate with one another in general. Language: Something which is used in communication. This can be either in the written form or spoken form. Though this is not just verbal; language can refer to any form of communicating messages to one another in order to be understood, such as sign language and body language. Communication: Expression of feelings or thoughts. This can be made through sign, speech, body language, gestures and actions. Speech, language and communication needs: The various difficulties that can affect young people in their development of communication skills. These can include speech development difficulties, problems with making themselves understood both to adults and other children. 1. 2. Explain how speech, language skills, and communication skills support each other in the following areas: Learning: We need language to understand the lessons we are being taught. We need it to participate in lessons, play and problem-solving. It allows a child to progress with their thoughts about what is going on around them and how to work these things out. Emotional: Good communication skills will enable a child to be able to explain how they are feeling more effectively, thus having a more positive effect on their emotional well-being. If this is hindered, the emotional impact can be very damaging to the childs self-esteem, motivation, self-confidence and willingness to participate in the future. Behaviour: Working with children, we need to set boundaries for them and make them aware of rights and wrongs, the language we use is paramount in eaching behaviour. As children learn from adults, especially how to communicate and treat one another, the better we communicate with one another, the better the outcome for the child. Social: How children speak to one another, and the words they use, is a huge learning curve in how others will treat them depending on what they say and how they say it. If they are unable to express themselves socially, this will hinder their social skills in the future, so being encouraged to speak out loud and interact with other children socially is most important. . 3 Describe potential impacts of speech, language and communication difficulties on the overall development of a child, both currently and in the longer term: The above difficulties can have a painfully negative effect on a childs life. If they feel they cannot be understood and/or are unable to, or find it difficult to understand others, they may become less enthusiastic about speaking aloud or attempting to try and communicate with others, which may mean they will have few or no friends. Children who have these difficulties may become disruptive in an education setting, to make up for their potential inability to concentrate and self-esteem. 2. 1 Explain ways in which adults can effectively support and extend the speech, language and communication skills during the early years: Adults can help children greatly with the above skills, using many simple yet very effective tools. For instance, a supportive environment, where communication is encouraged and praised, can increase the confidence of a child wishing to convey their thoughts. Reading to children from birth is a recommended aid to speech development and the ability to form words. Reading also stimulates the creative mind, and imagination, which should be encouraged in children so that they can use their own creativity with confidence as they develop. When encouraging language skills, we should be aware of the age and communication ability of the child or children we are with. When speaking we can use more simplified words so as the child can understand us, and what we are trying to say, more easily. Hand gestures and exaggerated facial expressions are also very useful in the early years, as young children respond very well to animation and playful tones. Repetitive communication is also a very useful tool to use to help children master words and language. Sing-along songs are a great way for children to learn word-formation, and rhyme. It also encourages them to be confident in their vocal ability, as they sing-along with their play-mates and adults alike. 2. 2 Explain positive effects of adult support for children and carers: As children are growing and learning and finding how things work, there can be a lot of frustration and tantrums. Having an adult support, able to explain patiently and calmly how to overcome the current frustration and complete said task effectively can have a positive outcome for future problem-solving. Children respond very positively to praise and encouragement, so having an adult who is aware of this benefit, will have a lasting and positive effect on a child. 2. 3 Explain how levels of speech and language development vary between children entering early years provision and need to be taken into account during settling in and planning. All children learn at different rates and develop their language and communicating skills at individual levels, it is important that those working in a care setting are aware of this and treat each child accordingly. If there are specific learning needs, where speech and communication are concerned, in order for the child to integrate more easily and comfortably, a speech therapist may be used to help improve their settling in. Once the child is more comfortable with speaking and his ability to use language, he can then interact with others more confidently and then begin to learn from them in his own time.

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